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Tuesday, June 18, 2013



U.S., Russia Agree to Cooperate on Cyber, Nukes
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 18, 2013 - Cooperation at many levels will help to reduce misunderstandings between the United States and Russia, the leaders of both countries said after meetings in Northern Ireland yesterday.

Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin agreed to cooperate on a number of different aspects of the bilateral relationship. The men spoke at Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, as part of the G-8 Summit.

Putin said the United States and Russia "have an opportunity to move forward on most sensitive directions."

The two leaders discussed Syria. While they do not agree on all points, they said, they both want the violence in the Middle East country to stop. "We agreed to push the parties to the negotiations table," the Russian president said.

Obama stressed that discussions on Iran and North Korea were productive. "We both agreed to consult closely on the North Korean issue," he said in his remarks. "On Iran, we both ... expressed cautious optimism that with a new election there, we may be able to move forward on a dialogue that allows us to resolve the problems with Iran's nuclear program."

Obama noted that Russia and the United States are the world's two nuclear superpowers. "We have a special obligation to try to continue to reduce tensions, to build on the work that we did with New START, and to lead the world in both nuclear security issues and proliferation issues," he said. As part of that, the United States and Russia signed a convention to continue the Nunn-Lugar program to counter potential threats of proliferation and to enhance nuclear security.

"By working together, we not only increase security and prosperity for the Russian and American people, but also help lead the world to a better place," Obama said.

The two nations also negotiated a range of steps designed to increase transparency and reduce the possibility that a misunderstood cyber incident could create instability or a crisis in the bilateral relationship. Part of this will result in better links between the two countries' Computer Emergency Response Teams, officials said.