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Saturday, October 12, 2013


On the Occasion of Spain's National Day
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 10, 2013

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Spain as you celebrate La Fiesta Nacional de España on October 12.

I have personal, vivid memories of traveling to Spain as a young man, and I remember a bull charging behind me in Pamplona. As our bilateral relationship has grown stronger over the years, I’d like to think that some of us have also grown wiser.

The United States and Spain have built a strong friendship over a long and shared history. Our troops have stood shoulder to shoulder in Afghanistan as NATO allies, and our ships are currently conducting anti-piracy operations together. We are working to promote democracy, enhance international peace and security, and promote shared economic prosperity that benefits us all.

Our bilateral trade relationship continues to thrive, giving both of our economies a needed boost. Spain is one of the fastest-growing investors in the United States, and American companies employ thousands of Spaniards. These ties will only grow deeper as we move forward with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

Our alliance is also strengthened by the warm friendship between the people of our two countries. The United States is a country with deep Hispanic roots. Spanish art, literature, and music have enriched American culture beyond measure. These shared riches unite us as we look to the opportunities of the future.

As you observe La Fiesta Nacional de España, the United States celebrates with you as a close friend and steadfast ally.